
OS Explorer Map: 103
Start Ref: 773 169
End Ref: 773 169
Grading: Medium - Difficult
Distance: 4 miles
Time: 2.5hrs

Although Treleaver is our start point, the nearby Coverack is our mid (ish) waypoint where I would suggest a lunch stop or at the very least an ice cream and a sit on the beach. Coverack is a beautiful Cornish fishing village/harbour nestled on The Lizard Peninsular. With its beautiful beach, quaint (but very operational) harbour, thatched cottages and superb coastal views, it is an ideal place to stop and enjoy life before the final easy mile of walking back to the car.

This walk has one particular section of just over ½ mile that I would class in the `verging on difficult` walking. However, there is an optional inland route that is flat (with a gentle descent) that will still give you the view but also take you through a Sculpture Park (free of charge). The choice will be yours, but I shall describe both routes.

Treleaver is a farmstead to the South West of Coverack and sits just above Black Head. The National Trust, which owns much of the coast here, have a small car park at Treleaver which is where we are going to start and finish our walk.

From our car, we are going to walk down passing the houses on our left hand side, until we go through a little kissing gate which is signposted to Beagles Point. Once through this gate we are guided, by a fenced off area, along the edge of a field down to a second kissing gate. We are currently on a Permissive Path, but it is not long before we pass out onto the Coastal Path above Beagles Hole, where we are going to follow the path around and up slightly to our left (and not down to the right!). We are now out on Treleaver Cliff and will find that the path itself is relatively flat and surrounded by a blanket of heaths and bracken, but with very sheer drop offs down into Dinas Cove. Keep your eyes open for Chough as they are in this area, and between May and the middle of June you may well be lucky enough to hear the Cuckoo (as I have).

The path leads us around to Black Head, where we find a little white lookout that is filled with information about the wildlife, fauna, geology and shipping of the area. It has a bench on its southern side, which is a perfect place to open a flask of tea.

A small lookout on top of a hill

Once our cup of tea is finished, we can continue our walk, and now we will find ourselves looking up the coast towards Lowland Point (where there is evidence of habitation going back to the Stone Age – I was talking to an archaeologist who was there researching when I last walked there), and beyond to The Manacles – the rocky outcrop that has proved to be the graveyard for many ships and sailors.

Hear we now reach a point where we have a choice of paths. A higher path which is directed towards the Sculpture Park or the lower coastal path.

  • (a) The higher path will lead us on a gentle decline through a well defined track and into fields. This will after only a short distance take us to the Sculpture Park, a series of 3 fields full of what I would describe as modern art. One piece `Essence of Cormorant` once sat outside the entrance to Kings Place Concert Hall in a faraway city called London. Once through the Sculptures the path continues through the fields until we come to a little Ford and we start to walk slightly uphill until the path bears right by Chynhalls Parc. We then emerge onto the road where we turn left until picking up a footpath on our right which is just past the rather impressive thatched house. This path leads us down to a set of steps and then passing the front of cottages it rejoins the lower path before descending further to Dolor Point and Coverack itself.

A modern sculpture consisting of two bird like figures

  • (b) The lower path is rather more strenuous! I`m sure that in my physics lessons I was taught that every action has an opposite reaction. From this rule, I have always imagined that a hill/valley has two sides – an up and a down. NOT HERE ! There are more ups than there are downs. Great for the optimist, but not great for your knees although certainly great if you want to try out my Father’s guide to the steepness of a hill by trying to eat an apple and walk at the same time. The bonus is that we have lovely coastal views when we step out from the enclosing fauna that envelopes this path and hides many large stones and an uneven surface. When we get to Chynalls Point, take the time to walk out to the end and look back, you will catch a glimpse of the Sculpture Park. From this point, the path raises slightly as it leads us on towards Coverack until it comes out on a made up path, where we will see a sign telling us that we could turn left and walk to the Sculpture Park using an easy path (remember this as we will be returning along this path). Instead turn right and walking infront of the cottages we will find ourselves arriving at Dolor Point and the lovely village of Coverack.

Once we have had a stop, maybe an ice cream, some lunch or just a sit on the beach, we are going to make our way back to the car via an inland loop.

Fishing scene with several boats in a small port

First though we need to make our way back up past the cottages we passed on our way here and to the spot where the signpost gives us two Coastal Path options. This time we are going to go straight ahead and up, using the easier route. Climbing the steps and up through the field we will find ourselves emerging onto a small road, where we will turn left until we see the footpath sign (on our right) leading to the Sculptures. We are going to follow this path as it leads us back past Chynhalls Parc, and past an old Pump Well until we step over the Ford.

If you did not see the sculptures on the way here, it is only a 5 minute walk to carry on to see them before retracing our steps to the Ford, as just past the Ford is where we find a stile on our right which we need to go over before stepping over the fence into the field. Follow this field diagonally up until it comes out in a lane, from which we are going to turn right and follow. Just after the houses the road bends to the right and we will find a footpath on our left (it is a small concrete step stile). This footpath leads us across two fields, the first of which we follow the line of the telegraph poles. As we emerge through the farm yard of the end of the second field we find ourselves back on a farm track and if we turn left, we will find our car barely 40 meters away.

As shortish walks go, this walk has plenty of everything. From great coastal views to culture, picturesque fishing villages to unforgiving cliff faces.

I hope that you will enjoy, as I have.