
OS Explorer Map: 106
Start Ref: 917 564
End Ref: 917 564
Grading: Easy (one steep hill)
Distance: 2 miles
Time: 1.5hrs

This short walk, is situated near Fraddon and has a number of advantages to it. First, it is centrally based for most people to get too. Second it commands far reaching views (on a good day) from Kit Hill and Bronn Wennili, down to St. Ives Bay and over to the South Coast. Finally, being just off one of the main roads through Cornwall, you can be enjoying a relaxing walk whilst listening to those poor unfortunates going backwards and forwards like ants! Makes you feel quite self-righteous.

The start point for this walk, is up a little road that leads to the Komat`su Goonvean Aggregates. At the head of this road, just as the Private Signs start, there is a gravelled layby and the kissing gate that allows entry to this Permissive footpath.

Through this little gate we go and follow the path to the left and enter upon a nice easy start to todays walk. This path takes us along the outer edge of one of St. Austell`s numerous spoil heaps, but this one like many others has now been landscaped and has footpaths around and over it. With a ditch and fence separating us from the heap itself on one side and views on our left out over rolling fields, we continue our walk until we realise that we are now walking with a woodland on our left.

Shortly after this woodland, we find a path to our right and it is here that the strenuous part of the walk starts. Winding its way slowly right then left then back again before attempting to take us straight up, this path leads through bracken and furze and plenty of blackberries at the right time of year.

A small path heading downwards between two hedges

As we reach a stile at the head of this path, we find ourselves stepping out onto the levelled summit of this heap and are greeted with the far reaching views that this affords.

Now on the summit, we have the choice of walking around or across, we decided to walk around the top (approx.. 1 mile) and to keep in tune with our horological past, we walked clockwise. The eastern side gives you views down over both coasts and down towards St. Ives, whilst as you come around to the western side, you start seeing Kit Hill, St. Dennis and the further Clay Tips and Quarries around St. Austell.

As an interesting exercise. Current maps do not show the contours or elevations of many of these spoil heaps. So if you have the facility on your phone, check how high you are when standing at the highest point on this spoil heap. How high are you? How high is Brown Willy? Which is higher?

Wooden walking stick up against a stile overlooking greenery

Once we have circumnavigated the top, we find ourselves back at the stile, which we can now step over and start to descend back to the lower path. Much as I have to stop quite regularly now when walking up a steep hill, I actually find it harder on the leg muscles when coming down. So take care!

Back on the lower path, we turn left and retrace our steps along the flat path back to the kissing gate by the layby in which we left our car, and our walk is complete.

Although this is quite a short walk, it is a very enjoyable one and had the added benefit that even on a summers day, we only saw one other person enjoying the same area.

I hope that you will enjoy as I did.