
OS Explorer Map: 105
Start Ref: 863 461
End Ref: 863 461
Grading: Easy
Distance: 4.5 miles
Time: 2hrs

This circular walk is only a short distance outside of Cornwall`s capital (Truro) and affords us with superb views down the Tresillian River and out over the valley leading towards Probus. Mostly leading us through fields, we have the occasional woodland as well as criss-crossing the main train line to `up country` and a little spring which feeds Trevella Stream.

For this walk we leave our car in the little lay-by near the car dealership in Tresillian and then headed along the pavement (away from Truro) towards the petrol station. On the left we will see a small white slip road with a Bridleway sign at the bottom – this is the path we are going to take. Follow this path up and around to the left as it goes from white road to narrow path alongside one of the top houses, and then out into a field. We need to follow the edge of this field, keeping the fence/hedge on our left and it will start to lead us up and then to a gate (the actual path appears blocked so we have to follow the path to the top of the field and exit through the gate). This brings us out into Polsue Manor Farms yard.

Once in the yard we need to follow the farm track up hill (ignore the footpath sign directing us right as this leads us back into Tresillian), and at the top of the path we go through a gate and into a field. Halfway up this field is an old concrete water container with the name Davey on the side, and where we have a lovely view back towards Probus. At the top of this field go through the gate and then follow the next field keeping the hedge on our left. Again we know we are in the correct field as we pass an old windmill on our left.

A view of Probus village

At the end of this field we come to another gate, which we need to go through and then continue straight on (do not go left as this gate is private) until we reach the far corner of this long field and a track on our left. Follow this track until it joins the road where we need to turn right and follow this until we reach Nansmerrow.

Here the road starts to bear around right BUT directly ahead of us is a small track that starts to lead downhill, this is the path we are going to take, and we gently descend until we reach a little stile and the spring that feeds Trevella Stream. Here we also see the footpath sign directing us up and to the left, and again we are now going to follow this sign marker. As the path opens up into a field and we can see a farmhouse on our right, we get to a point where the path splits left and right. Here we head left taking us down and away from the farmhouse and into the valley bottom and the trees which make up the southerly extremes of Trehane Woods and we are now going to follow this path in the woods until we come to the road.

A wooden stile in a wooded area

At the road, we turn right and head up the hill bearing right again when we reach the T-junction. Fifty meters further on we reach another junction, but this time we want to go straight ahead and walk down the lane towards Trehane Barton, turning right when we reach the farm house and passing the ruined barn on our right we follow the lane up to the gate.

Once through the gate and in the field, we turn sharp left following the edge of the field until we reach the corner. Go through into the next field, but now turn right again following the field edge for approx 200 meters.

Here I give you a choice. The footpath now bisects the field going almost due east across the middle of the field to the exit footpath gate on the far side, however if the field is planted I personally would continue around the edge of the field so as not to damage crops (it doesn`t take much longer, and showing a bit of respect for the farmers working the land benefits everybody). The exit gate is near a kink in the field and goes through into the copse at the bottom of the field, but only for a short distance as the path now joins another white lane that is going to lead us to our right.

A view looking up to a viaduct through trees

We follow this lane now all the way back to Tresillian, as it leads us under the railway viaduct, and back to the road just north of the playing field, which we can walk through to rejoin the main through road.

Our walk is now nearly complete, all that is left for us to do is to walk back in the direction of Truro until we reach our car, unless we wish to stop at the Wheel Inn or Mary`s Pasties for a little sustenance!

This is a lovely early evening walk as the views with a setting sun are superb, plus it combines well with an evening meal for those that have shared the experience with you.